
It’s a Hurricane. St. John is closed.

Hurricane Omar
is expected to blow across St. John and the other Virgins late tonight and Thursday.  A "direct hit" is possible, according to forecast maps which show the eye passing across the island.

As much as 40 inches of rain may fall during the 48 hours, according to the V.I. Territorial Emergency Management Agency.  The National Weather Service says winds have increased to 80-miles an hour, making the storm a Category 1 hurricane.

The last ferry between Cruz Bay and Red Hook was scheduled to leave St. John at 10 p.m. Tuesday.  All schools are closed today and a curfew will go into effect at 6 p.m. Wednesday night.  The Governor has declared a State of Emergency.

Two things are making Omar memorable already. It’s late in the season and Omar is coming from the south and moving northeast.  Most storms come from the west. Pray.

Here are some links for more storm information:

26 thoughts on “It’s a Hurricane. St. John is closed.”

  1. Frank – Blue Tang is getting taken care of. We temporarily left there last night and got a room at the Westin. We can see the villa from our room.

  2. Dear Rob …
    THANK YOU … Man, you do have a time at Blue Tang don’t you, earthquake over the weekend, not a hurricane. What memories!
    The previous owners told us they’d had little problems with hurricanes, even back form the 70s — but there was a storm that also came from the southeast (like Omar) which blew in the doors of the bedroom nearest the pool. I suspect you’ve seen Catered To wrestle with our incredible heavy wooden shutters and, of course, the sliding metal doors (care top guess what THEY cost? Six years ago? $15K!)
    We’re praying for you all … thanks for understanding.
    The sun will come out tomorrow … late, but it will come out.

  3. St John and everyone on island will be in my prayers. I went through a Cat 1 (Isabelle) a couple of years ago…its pretty scary…after she passed through the sun came out and it was a BEAUTIFUL day (minus all the down trees). Be safe everyone and god bless…

  4. Good luck to you all.
    I was a surprised to see the number of boats still anchored in Cruz Bay (via webcam), I thought they would have all been pulled.

  5. We’re praying for all of you on St. John, including our son and daughter-in-law living in Cruz Bay. Jesus Bless and Protect you all! To God be the glory!

  6. Thoughts and prayers with all on the most beautiful of the islands.
    I just read on the AP that there is a concern that there isn’t enough blood in case of casualties.
    Anyone know how we can help with that issue here stateside?

  7. We are all watching,and concerned about our piece of “Paradise” down in “Love City”. I know it will be fine. You are all “Riders of the Storm”, and let’s think “Sunny”. St. John is resilient. Serendip Owners are there in spirit!!

  8. My wife and I have been watching a few weather web sites and saying a few prayers for all of you on St. John. Please just stay safe! We look forward to seeing the island again in July. As someone else said…let us here state side know if we can do anything to help! Hey Beach Bar! Board up….we love you!

  9. I just learned of the expected arrival of Omar upon our beautiful island of Paradise, St. John.
    Please know that all of us back in the States are praying for ALL of you there, who will have to weather out the storm. We will do whatever we can to help, once this terrible storm passes through.
    God be with all of you; Be Safe, and PRAY!

  10. We were there two weeks ago and talked with a local about the last hurricane that came from the south and hit St. John. We have been keeping an eye on this one for days hoping it would miss you. Sorry to say it is not. As everyone else has said if you have power or and need anything at all from the states. Please let us know and it will be coming your way if possible. Keep safe and say low for a while.

  11. Be safe St. John and ALL who live there. We are praying for you up here in the States, may Omar leave without a trace. St. John will always be the most beautiful island in the Caribbean.

  12. LOTS of prayers coming yall’s way from Georgia!!! STJ is our favorite place in the whole, wide world, and we have lots of friends there. They, along with everyone down there (and the islands themselves) are all in our prayers!

  13. Sending prayers from Michigan that the residents of St. John (and the rest of the islands as well) come through the storm unscathed and safe. Best wishes to you all- our thoughts are with you.
    We are very much looking forward to visiting St. John next March for the blues fest.

  14. To all hunkered down in the City of Love, we are thinking of you guys and praying for the best. New englanders love St JOhn and its people, and we will be here if you need anything. Stay Safe.

  15. From the sounds and looks of it, the island appears to have survived major damage.
    Man I can’t wait to get back down there. I told my wife yesterday if there was any major damage to pack it up because we would be heading down to lend a helping hand.
    God bless you all!

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