Island administrator Julien Harley is blaming the island government for the failure of the St. John Coastal Zone Management Committee to approve a $200,000 plan to upgrade the VI. Environmental Resource Station.
The proposal was to have been reviewed at a CZM meeting this week, but because one of the three members was not present, there was no quorum. So, there could be no approval. Rather than criticizing the missing board member, attorney Brion Morrisette, who was off island, Harley found fault with Government House, according to the St. John Source.
There are two vacant positions on the CZM panel. "Names have been given … 2 1/2 years ago," added Madeline Sewer, another member of the Board. "That’s long enough to be waiting."
Improvements planned to the VIERS facility at Lameshur Bay include adding a classroom, upgrading the septic system, and planning construction of a conference center.