
Cruz Bay beach water flunks

38The latest water quality tests of VI beaches and bays has given Cruz Bay a Fail.

The Department of Planning and Natural Resources measures water quality  at 43 swimming beaches each week.  A report issued Friday shows the bacteria count at the Cruz Bay beach exceeds standards and therefore it does not meet water quality standards for swimming or fishing.

The Department said construction underway near the bay might be responsible for runoff and the deteriorating quality.  Interestingly, though, even while Grande Bay was being built, the Cruz Bay water quality didn't seem to be harmed.  Currently, there is one building underway, adjacent to Grande Bay, closer to the Beach Bar.

10 thoughts on “Cruz Bay beach water flunks”

  1. Coliform bacteria counts are more closely tied to sewage discharge than construction runoff. Since the V.I. has no soil test requirements, no standards for septic system soil percolation, expect the problem to grow and grow, particularly when soils are saturated.
    Is anyone surprised that bacterial counts in Cruz Bay are high? How did Sirenusa get through, really? Lotsa $$ made, spent and disappeared.

  2. Its the raw sewage runoff. Stand over near Joe’s Barbecue for a little while and smell the sewage that undoubtedly runs off into cruz bay.

  3. How about all the overboard boat discharges? Is it the same in the USVI as in the States? (3 miles offshore for any discharge?)Does anyone pay attention to this?

  4. Let’s see…We have live aboard boats in Cruz Bay and we don’t have a pump out station and now shockingly we find the water quality is lacking. Hmmm, what do you think? I have dropped the hook in countless bays and harbors with live aboards and any place lacking a pump out station has issues. I wonder what causes that?!

  5. Hi aqua: You mean escherichia coli? I aced all of my microbiology courses many moones ago.
    And the “boat discharges” are a pittance, as established in study after study stateside, compared to the impacts of rain runoff and poor sewage disposal systems. There is NO consideration for soils and proper septic installation in the Virgin Islands. Never will be. Blaming liveaboards has always been a convenience, but it’s pure malarky.

  6. Scientific study after study blame fertilizer for costal water destruction www2.mcdaniel.edu/Biology/eh01/waterpollution/4.plantnutreients.html
    How many gardens or lawns do you see on boats? STOP blaming the boaters!
    New York City is on top of things with there new legislation. They realize that it is fertilizer and dishwater/ laundry soaps that are destroying water quality. HOW many dishwashers or cloths washers do you see on boats? They answer is ZERO. STOP blaming the boaters.
    All studies point the finger at poorly maintained city sewer systems, land users and septic tanks, not boat owners.

  7. The article mentions “bacteria,” but doesn’t say which bacteria. Fertilizer runoff doesn’t produce bacterial contamination, unless its from manure. If it is E. coli, then the source would likely be human or animal waste from somewhere, possibly multiple sources. I mentioned boat discharges, because, in my experience, at least in the BVIs, I’ve seen flagrant disregard in this area (and it doesn’t only relate to live-aboard boats), and was wondering if it might be the same in the USVIs.
    From what I have read and heard, in boating areas of the States, overboard discharge is an issue, and control of this has been tightening over the years to reduce the pollution impact.
    The flushing power of strong tides and currents (definitely tides) is lacking in Caribbean, and so I’m wondering what effect this might also have.

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