
Court hears Grande Bay a grand mess

The controversial Grande Bay condo/timeshare development at Cruz Bay is front and center in a Sarasota, Fla. courtroom.

At the defendant's table is David S. Band, a real estate developer and law firm founder.  He is accused of defrauding his partner by not properly overseeing the project.

Wanda Libby, wife of the partner making the charge said when she visited, "It was just a total mess."

Budgeted originally at $15 million, the Sarasota Circuit Court was told the ultimate cost is more likely $45 or $50 million, according to a report published by the town's Herald Tribune newspaper.  The project is still unfinished, according to testimony.

"Band … counters that hurricanes, subcontractors who went out of business and delays in obtaining building permits lengthened building time," the newspaper reported.  (Ask any villa owner and he/she will agree that building on the island rarely adheres to plan or budget.)\

Grande Bay has been an irritant to many locals for more than five years.  They say the design and scope of the project is not in keeping with the image of a laid back, easy-going, island.

11 thoughts on “Court hears Grande Bay a grand mess”

  1. My wife and I are villa owners on St. John and our house was completed in nine months, on budget. It also did not ruin any neighbors views; did not destroy a lovely waterfront; did not rip anyone off. The best thing for Grand View would be several tons of dynamite followed by Alfredo’s crew coming in to restore the landscape. Perhaps Sirenusa could be handled the same way.

  2. Developers come here and build their monstrosities with only profit in mind. Many will never live here and don’t care what the real residents think. It’s been nice to watch a few of them eat financial crow since the recession (thankfully) slowed down the building boom bullet!! We thank you for your contribution to our labor force. Welcome to the world of “Casa Costalotta”!!

  3. I’ve said it before….. these masses of concrete will be the Annaberg ruins of our time. Perhaps one day the NPS will buy whats left of these monstrosities to be preserved in their decay. Future generations can see what greed and bad planning can do. Parts of Sirenusa is already going to bush.

  4. All of these projects were approved by the VI government including the Sirenusa variance for more more more. You can blame developers from elsewhere but the ultimate cause is the elected and appointed “officials” that……well, you can write your own book on this one if you’ve lived on island for more than a month.

  5. Wilson- Your property must have been flat as a pancake to have been finished in 9 mos.! you must have used your own crew from the states as well!

  6. I agree with Wilson, Dynamite is the answer! Our family has been vacationing in STJ for years and grotesque monstrosities such as Grand Bay and SirenUsa are eye sores! PLEASE STOP such insensitive development or the island will end up looking like “St. Trauma” and we (and I’m sure many others) will look elsewhere for a peaceful haven!

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