Picture this…You have six glorious hours on the boat of your choice to snorkel, swim and explore the waters surrounding St. John. It’s a day that you look forward to all year long. One you will remember for years and years to come. And, well, you want a fantastic meal to pair with that memory. But, you don’t want to take time away from your glorious day on the water to do so. Well, Lovango Resort + Beach Club has recently developed an absolutely fantastic solution to this conundrum that will allow to experience a top notch lunch WITHOUT having to spare a moment of your sea time. And, their new Love-N-Go – Lunch to Go online ordering system goes live tomorrow!

As someone who spends a lot of time with guests on the water in the USVI, I personally am ecstatic to introduce to you the new touch & go lunch service from the innovative team at Lovango Resort + Beach Club. You know, these guys are always hard at work. An interesting problem pops up. They find a solution. I have seen them tackle a ton of different challenges over the past year and a half and, as far as I have witnessed, these challenges are whisked away with grace and the requests of past guests and small business partners in mind. So, I guess the genius simplicity of the solution to the “problem” of leisurely lunches in the midst of a boat day shouldn’t surprise me. But, I’ll admit, I was impressed.

Ok, so, coordination with your captain ahead of time is going to be the key to executing a seamless lunch pick up so that you can enjoy an incredible dining experience from the comfort of your charter boat in a secluded cove or a beach picnic at your next destination of the day. The online ordering system is streamlined and super easy to use and there is NO cash exchanged at pick-up time. But, an order will need to be placed ahead of time that includes a free meal for your Captain with an appropriate pickup time selected. So, before you get trigger happy and attempt to order your lunch for tomorrow, call your Captain.
Oh and hey, Captains, don’t worry! There are no mooring reservations necessary. And you still get a free lunch. Read on…Here’s how it works:
- Once all of the guests and the Captain have gathered on the boat in the morning, say 9 or 10AM, go ahead and place your lunch order with the online ordering system.
- Scan the QR code in the middle of the menu at the bottom of this post. Next, select your meal from the delectable options on the menu that was designed for ease of enjoyment while on the go. You know, on a boat 🙂 Captains and crew, Lovango also has these menus printed on waterproof material so you can grab one the next time you visit and keep it on the boat for repeated use!
- Once everyone in your party and the Captain have made their selections, you will then select a pick up time.
- Pay for your order with the 20% gratuity already included (I told you this was easy).
- And, Voila! You show up at Lovango Resort + Beach Club at your designated pick up time to pick up your favorite menu items and cocktails, neatly packaged up and ready to hit the water with you.

Now, I mentioned that the Love-N-Go menu offers menu items that cater to on the water guests, right? Well, I got a sneak peek at the offerings, many of which you will find in the waterfront restaurant on Lovango Cay. But, there are two that are offered exclusively via this carry-out service, such as the Spicy Thai Chicken Noodle Salad. Yum!
Additional salad options include a Caesar Salad to which you can add shrimp, snapper or chicken, and a Fermented Tea Leaf Salad with peanuts, lentils, sunflower seeds, tomato and cabbage.
If that’s a bit too healthy for your boat day needs (some might need more of a “base” to work with 🙂 ), try the mouthwatering Angus Burger with bacon marmalade and pimento cheese or the Caribbean Lobster Roll with truffled celery & apple slaw. A Caprese sandwich (also available only via pickup) and a Snapper sandwich round out the simplistic, yet diverse, menu. Ensuring there is something for everyone in your group.
Oh, and don’t forget a few craft cocktails to spice up your boat day! A Watermelon and Basil Margarita might be just the thing to enjoy in the sunshine while you speed (or sail) away to a calm cove to enjoy your lunch. Or, perhaps a Nantucket Whaler, packed full of island flavors with finesse (Little Gem Spirits tamarind rum, coconut rum, oregeat, guava juice, passion fruit juice & pineapple juice). All cocktails ordered to-go are served in a beautiful Lovango tumbler that you get to keep!

The team at Lovango Resort + Beach Club will text you when your order is ready. Once you receive the text, have your Captain radio the dock on Channel 71 to arrange pick up details.
Ok, Captains, I’m getting ahead of this question for you. “Where do we park?” Well, if you are on time or just a few minutes early for your pick-up time, you can pick up ANY of the available mooring balls, including the reservation only resort moorings. Mind you, this is only if you are just picking up your food. Those balls are reserved, remember. 🙂 But, what if there are no mooring balls available?

Well, if your boat is able to pull up to Dock A, you can simply pull in with your guests right at your scheduled pick up time and lunch will be brought to you right at the dock in the comfort of your vessel. If you can’t pull into the dock and there are no moorings available, simply radio the dock and someone will bring your guests’ order to you via dinghy. If that’s not true “Touch & Go” then I’m not sure what is. HA!
The online ordering system goes live TOMORROW, March 16, at 8AM. You may place orders via the new system between 8AM and 2PM for a same-day pickup between 11AM and 3PM. This online ordering system will be live tomorrow morning so, be sure to try out this amazing new USVI lunch on the water option the next time you are out on the water! But, don’t forget…Call your Captain first 🙂

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