There is something missing this winter. It's the planning, the excitement, and signs announcing what would have been the 10th annual St. John Blues Festival.
But not this year. Last year's was the last. (They say you never know which is the last time.)
The festival's guiding spirit, founder, and #1 blues fan has moved off island. Steve Simon has no plan for another fest this year.
One of the clues that there would be no 2012 event was word that the Blues Cruise would be visiting St. Croix this year, not St. John, as it did last year. The boat full of blues spilled its artists onto the big island to the south, and a good time was had by many.
But, there WILL be music on St. John this month. Just not from a dozen world renowned blues performers that Steve would have attracted.
One of the island's own internationally known performers, Phillip Pickering, and a founding member of Inner Visions, posted on his Facebook page that the annual St. John Music and Arts Festival is scheduled for the third week of the month.
"It's a week filled with activities," he said. "Inner Visions will take part on February 21st, 12:30pm – 4:30pm. Location soon to be announced!"
The arts festival is organized by Frank Langley, a longtime visitor to the island. In past years, he's rounded up community support, volunteers, and various arts groups on St. John to produce a week's worth of cultural musical, and educational events.
The 2nd annual Blues Fest was my first. Each year they got better and better. I am not sure which I like more, Saturday night at Coral Bay or the closing party on Sunday at the Beach Bar. It was some great music and really fun times in a awesome setting! Thanks Steve for putting them on!
ps.. I will hold out hope that we will someday see # 10!
Id like to say that there should be a correction on the ST JOHN ART FEST..There will be 3 vendors from ST.JOHN and the rest of the vendors will be from ST. THOMAS. How does this make it ST JOHN ART FEST?
I am a local all made here on St John Artist and I was not invited.I have been doing the Art Fest for 9 years…The big problem is there is nowhere to put it..This year it will be in the tiny park where tourism is located. Only 7 vendors were invited.I was not one of them…I am so upset. I”ve been making my crafts all year getting ready for this big yearly event and now I’m NOT INVITED…Maybe because I’m WHITE????
We want our Park back by the Ferry Dock…Whats the deal anyway with that?
St Johnians were very lucky to have the Blues Fest for all those years so much talent and almost for free. The music on such a small island is remarkable. Steve would bring the headliners into Panini Beach for their dinner before the show and they were great guests.
Remembrt the prelude to the Blues Fest was Jazz in the Moonlight at the Westin. I listened to the CD on Sunday morning what a great way to start the day.
Thank you Steve.
I was at the 2008 Blues Fest. I had a great time. I am sorry to hear about the loss of the festival that has happened to the Island’s music scene. Maybe someone else can start another music festival that could fill the gap?
A HUGE Thank You to Steve Simon for having the courage and strength to put this festival together for the past several years. I’ve been to five and REALLY enjoyed myself. Will still come to St John, but would really be happy if there is music. Congratulations and good Luck to Steve Simon.
Kevin Austin
Westcliffe, CO
wow so sad! but many thanks to Steve for having the festival the year we were there..and all! such a great time by all! it will be missed…anyone to take up the staff and keep it goin in some form????// thanks sooooo much love from boston..mags