The value of Blue Tang, our two-bedroom villa overlooking Great Cruz Bay, has increased 500%, according to the Territory-wide revaluation project. We’re not alone in seeing a stupendous increase.
A three-bedroom Chocolate Hole property owned by a friend, had its assessment increase 1,100%; another’s value was raised 550%. The assessment on a house we sold at Reef Bay increased almost 500%.
Sally Powers of the Bearing Point consulting firm which oversaw the project, told the St. John Source the islands’ overall increase in valuations was about 85%. However, St. John properties are clearly showing the hugest (is that a word?) gains.
One property owner on St. Thomas saw her assessment fall, the Source
reported. On St. Croix, many older properties are also being valued at
lesser rates. But newer projects are seeing big increases, too. A
real estate agent on St. Croix told the Source, "These people will go ballistic."
There is a Web site where you can review assessments and property
data. It can give property owners a reason to appeal. For instance if
the VI thinks you have three bedrooms and you only have one. The site
is (It is not easy to use and it requires Internet Explorer.)
The Tax Assessor’s office said it would like all revaluation appeals to be filed by Aug. 17. The St. John office number is 340-776-6737.
these folks sure don’t know raw land. my lot in coral bay was labeled a “gentle slope”. walk it and you will fall to your death!
We have a 775% increase for our property in Coral Bay. Can you say appeal!!
I would be curious to hear about how accurate (or not) the property sketches are on the cards. I suspect not very.
As for accuracy, I’ve looked at a few descriptions. Blue Tang’s was right, while a house we used to own was incorrectly described, a friend’s was OK.
Land values are going to be a real problem – there’s nothing concrete (no pun intended) to work with.
Let me count the ways: Square footage listed at 1628. Actual is 1152. Bedrooms listed as 4 – Actual 3, baths listed at 3 – actual 2. (Maybe they counted the outdoor shower on the porch as a bath and I do occassionally take a wiz in the bushes.) Even if they counted an unfinished storage utility basement we have only 1400 sq. ft. Bob
Sounds like Bob will have a successful appeal! (I was an appraiser for 7 years after college)
Frank, Perhaps someone could provide some instruction on how to get the information you need. I looked up my parcel and saw description and past bills for my lot in Coral Bay …but no reassessment. What am I missing?
There are four links at the top of the page … one is Property Information. You’ll find the new valuation in about the middle of that form.
Is there any land on the island that can be classified as a “gentle slope”?
Thanks for the property tax link. Our evaluation went up 1040%. Now the number of bedrooms is off by five and the baths off by seven and the house is 10 years older than listed but they did get our “excellent” North Shore view correct!
The revaluation stinks.
In may I sold a property on St. John that had been listed for over two years. It has now been valued at 60% over the selling price. I have a parcel on Lovango Cay that the revaluation shows with a non existing house.
I know of two empty parcel, on Lovango,side by side of identical footage and view,one being valued at 20% more than the other.
I predict the revaluation will go the way of the land use fiasco of a few years back.
I am looking for the new owners of Blue Tang. Anyone know them or how to get in touch with them? Thanks