
And Then There Were None…

There are no more vessels on Cruz Bay beach.
There are no more vessels on Cruz Bay beach.

Well folks, we have fantastic news to share with you all today… All of the boats on Cruz Bay beach have been removed. How exciting is that??!!

The tow boats that were in front of Waterfront Bistro were moved Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.
The two boats that were in front of Waterfront Bistro were removed Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.
The very last vessel was removed from Cruz Bay beach Tuesday morning. It was located near the ferry dock.
The very last vessel was removed from Cruz Bay beach Tuesday morning. It was located near the ferry dock.

As you may know, several boats washed up onto Cruz Bay beach following Hurricane Irma back on September 6th. All but one of the boats was removed by Resolve Marine Group with assistance of the United States Coast Guard. The first one, which slammed up against Joe’s Rum Hut was removed on Thanksgiving morning. Kenny Chesney’s Love For Love City Foundation removed one of the boats back in the fall, a wooden one that was abandoned by its owner and subsequently signed over to the Foundation. The last two boats were removed Tuesday morning – one which ended up on the beach in front of Waterfront Bistro and the second which landed over near the ferry dock.

coast guard monday
A member of the US Coast Guard looks on as Resolve Marine Group prepares to lift a vessel Monday afternoon.
And Then There Were None... 1
Preparing to lift a vessel Monday afternoon.
lifting tuesday
The vessel that landed in front of Waterfront Bistro gets lifted Tuesday morning.
resolve tuesday
The vessel, which has been damaged, will likely be salvaged.
Dreamweaver, the vessel that slammed into Joe's Rum Hut, is removed on Thanksgiving morning.
Dreamweaver, the vessel that slammed into Joe’s Rum Hut, is removed on Thanksgiving morning.
The Love For Love City Foundation removes a wooden vessel from Cruz Bay beach. Image credit: STJ Creative Photography
The Love For Love City Foundation removes a wooden vessel from Cruz Bay beach. Image credit: STJ Creative Photography

Since Thanksgiving, Resolve has removed boats on Cruz Bay beach and also in Coral Bay. As of late Monday, the majority of the boats that ended up on the shore of Coral Bay had been removed. Several were able to be repaired and now float in Coral Bay once again. Resolve also removed Saltaire last week, the large vessel that was slated to be a dinner cruise boat, which slammed into the dock at the National Park Visitor’s Center.

Sadly there still are numerous damaged vessels in Hurricane Hole. Resolve is not involved in the removal of those vessels. According to an owner of a damaged vessel in Hurricane Hole, the US Coast Guard initially said that the boats wold be removed in the same manner that was happening in Cruz Bay and Coral Bay. All of the boats were tagged, and the owners were asked to report their plans for the damaged vessels. Since then, the owners were told that because the National Park is a separate entity that it has been problematic accessing the money needed to remove the vessels. We’ll keep you all posted on that.

In the meantime, it’s a great day here in Cruz Bay! We all finally have our beach back, and I’m sure that will make many of you smile. Have a great day everyone!

8 thoughts on “And Then There Were None…”

  1. Thank you for all the updates. I have to admit this one make me the happiest. I love Cruz Bay. How are the apartments above the bars? Crows nest?

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