Hello everyone and happy Monday… We have some bittersweet news to share with you all today. The Lumberyard complex was nearly demolished over the weekend. As of late Sunday, the only section that remains was the first floor area that formerly housed Driftwood Dave’s and Rock Fitness.
As we mentioned last month, the majority of the buildings located at the back of the lot were taken down. The section where Jake’s was located was torn down late last week, and Barefoot Cowboy was demolished Sunday. Check out a few pics and video…

So many of us, including many of you I’m sure, have so many great memories at the restaurants, bars and shops that occupied the Lumberyard over the years. It was truly a sad sight to see it being torn down over the past couple of months. But it’s a sign of progress and yet another sign that this island is moving forward. And for that, we all have to be thankful. Have a wonderful Monday everyone.
What’s the plan for that area? Still doing the condos that were proposed a long time ago? Thanks.
It is sad for sure. I’ve had many, many great times at Deiftwood Dave’s with family and friends but I do agree it is a good sign for the island. Thank you for the information.
As best I hear condos are going up. Which I think is sad. I don’t feel this is positive. According to my sources on island the company building these condos are buying up other properties damaged by Irma & have plans to tear them down & build condos, upscale shops, etc. Again, taking away the charm of St John. I just don’t understand why these money hungry companies think they are making St John better & why St Johniians are letting them get away with it. Please someone correct me if I am wrong. And I hope i am wrong. Said with all due respect.
Linda, I agree with you. We want STJ to prosper, but at the same time, we do not want it to become a commercially overgrown island. It takes away from the charm and quaintness of the island. Whatever goes up there, I hope there is an architectural board that has some say, and that they keep with the vibe of the island. I do not want another Sirenusa being developed.
St. John residents really really need housing.
This, housing for residents, should be a priority!
I would be so excited if condos for long term residents went in there to be honest. We are desperate need of housing here. I think the area would be best as a mixed use space.
Along the lines of what Jenn said, where better for high(er) density housing than in town? Retail/commercial/office on the lower floors and housing on the upper floors. Residents could walk to jobs and food stores.
At this rate of demolition and construction the Island wont be finished for yearsssss. I’m not coming back. There are too many other places to go.
it is sad you have never had the chance to connect with St. John. I feel sorry for you that you took vacation time to visit the island and were not able to scratch beneath the surface of the island. Your post shows you were never able to capture the true beauty of the island. I feel sorry for you. What a waste of a vacation experience. Better luck else where.
I don’t get why you feel you needed to say something like this Tom. How the internet has made people rude.
The internet hasn’t made people rude, it has made it easier for the rude people to be heard. Tom probably prefers to vacation in Orlando 😉
Tom we have been back and you would be amazed at the recovery the island has made in just a year. We loved our trip as usual and will return as often as possible. The island is more than ready for visitors!
St John is a very special place then and now. If you didn’t experience that for yourself… well then good luck to you in finding another place. St John has and always will have my heart!!
You’re a smart man Tom. Outside of the demolition and construction, do you realize how many people are killed by falling coconuts on St John? Iowa might be a good spot to explore. Very safe and flat there.
Send pictures please
Demolition and Construction is ongoing everywhere – Imagine waiting to go to NYC until all the “demolition and construction is completed” IT NEVER WILL BE. If you don’t love ST. John, well that’s too bad. But there are plenty of us who do – and we love it unconditionally. But I can understand it’s not for everyone. So buon voyage!
After reading Tom’s comment I had to reply with one of my own. My wife and I along with our family and close friends have been to St. John 4 of the last 5 years. My older brother who died at the early age of 46 from cancer begged me during his last days on earth to visit St. John. He claimed it was the most beautiful place he had ever seen in his life. I promised him I would.
I went the following year with my wife and we both connected with St. John immediately, absolutely a work of god. I also feel a strong connection to the people there and my deceased brother.
We live in south Louisiana and very experienced in the destruction hurricanes cause, we knew the islands would be still recovering and not as comfortable. It didn’t matter to us, we wanted to give back to the islands and the people we admire so much.
When we arrived in June we found exactly what we thought, devastation and lots of construction. We also found something that amazed us, the resilience of the people, the hard work and progress they had made in such a short amount of time but most importantly the positive attitudes displayed by all that things are getting better every single day.
We should not only be amazed but learn from the islands on how “true recovery” is accomplished, it begins with Loving People. They have extremely limited resources yet they accomplish so much.
I found your comments offensive but as many have stated you don’t get it and that is so unfortunate. I get it, my 13 yo son gets it, my wife of 31 yrs gets it, my 29 yo daughter and her husband get it, as well as several other family members and friends we have lured to St. John. We all get it, embrace it and we are much better people as a result.
Hi Keith, I am so happy that you and your family “get it.” As you stated, St. John is truly a magical place and the island has come so far over the past 13 months. It’s honestly incredible. I hope you and your family plan on returning for years to come.
St. John is not for everyone, and that’s ok. 🙂
Keith (and Jenn), you are spot on. I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s hard for anyone who’s never been there, to understand the way St. John grabs one’s heartstrings. My wife and I have been connected in body, mind and spirit to St. John since 1994 and continue to be, and we were blessed to be able live there for two years. Through ups and downs, hurricanes and drought, we’ve always remained steadfast and loyal. Have we vacationed other places? Absolutely: Paris, London, Hawaii, Switzerland, Anguilla, St. Maarten, Spain and many other places. Do we always come back to St. John? Yes. It exceeds all else combined. Thank you, Love City.
Love St. John!!!! So sad to see this landmark gone….but happy it’s done. Making room for “better” is my prayer and this part of recovery is always the hardest. By the way does anybody know who did the demolition?
E. Luke Greene Company Inc.
I think Tom has a right to his opinion. My wife and I, along with various family and friends have been visiting the island since 1990. It’s our favorite place in the world. But we know others who have gone on our recommendation and didn’t like it. Some people can’t seem to overlook a broken sidewalk or roofless building. Those ‘flaws’ have always been part of the island’s character. Right now St. John needs visitors but soon enough the tourists will be back. Those who don’t ‘get it’ will not be taking up a spot on our favorite beach.