The Virgin Islands National Park put out a message yesterday regarding changes due to COVID-19. Here are the details…
- The Cruz Bay Visitor Center is closed. Information and services will not be available.
- The park dock and bulkhead at the Cruz Bay Visitor Center is closed to commercial activity.
- No more than two individuals may occupy a dinghy when traveling to or from the NPS dock.
- All restrooms and portable toilets in the park are closed.
- Guided hikes and other on-site public or educational programs are cancelled.
- Food service and watersports rentals at Trunk Bay will not be available.
- The park will not issue special visitor use or business permits.
- Trash will not be collected. When visiting the park bring garbage bags so you can take your trash with you. Pack it in, pack it out.
- Trash receptacles will not be available for boater trash. Boaters must make other arrangements for trash disposal.
- Do not leave trash on shore.
- The pavilions at Trunk, Maho, and Hawksnest Bays are closed, as are changing rooms and showers.
- The park will not operate or provide restrooms, maintain roads or walkways.
- Outdoor spaces, including park trails, beaches, and waters remain accessible to the public in accordance with the latest federal, state, and local health guidance.
- Moorings remain open.
- The waters of Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument remain open.
- Law enforcement staff will remain on duty and may be reached at 1-866-995-8467.
- Visitors may visit park beaches via taxi, provided that no more than two people sit in each row of vehicle seats.
- At beaches, BBQs and parties are not permitted. While visiting beaches, visitors must maintain social distancing and avoid crowding, the release stated.
We will let you know if/when there are changes to the above information.
- For the latest updates on COVID-19 and how it relates to St. John, please visit
- For the latest information on closures, please visit
St. Johnopoly, St. John’s only board game, is available and is still shipping. If you would like a bit of St. John to arrive at your doorstep, you can order yours at
will volunteers be able to maintain the trails? I would imagine some would grow over in a short amount of time without maintenance.
Didn’t see a date (or tentative date) that these changes will be considered for reversal. Is there such a date?
Hi Jim, they didn’t state an end date for this. I’m sure they are taking a wait and see approach.
I like the idea about boaters take there trash with them as as well the hikers. Only common sense