Earlier today we told you about Jason and Kellie Wheatley, the latest St. John couple featured on Caribbean Life. We know that many of you who read News of St. John every day also have a dream of moving to the island … and some of you may have already made that dream come true.
We came across this list on HGTV’s website earlier today and thought you’d all enjoy it. Check it out…
15 Reasons to Move to the Caribbean
- The sounds of waves breaking is music to your ears.
- Your top extracurriculars include swimming, snorkeling and staring at the sea.
- A wild night out consists of relaxing on the porch, waiting for the sun to set over the sea.
- If it was up to you, everything would be Caribbean blue. Everything.
- You could sit and watch the waves for hours, without ever feeling compelled to do anything else.
- You want the sea to be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night.
- You don’t get the whole dog vs. cat thing. For you, it’s all about the sea turtles.
- Beach food is the only food, and you scoff at anyone who tries to tell you differently.
- When given the choice, you’d give up cars for boats any day of the week.
- A house by the sea is your idea of what heaven must look like.
- Your perfect lazy weekend consists of lying in bed, listening to the waves crashing just outside your door.
- You consider the sea to be the only acceptable means of travel.
- As far as landscaping goes, you’ll always choose palm trees over pine trees.
- You consider a day spent on the dock too be superior than a day spent at Disney World.
- You are fully aware that it doesn’t get any better than this.
So what do you all think? Agree?
Have visited every year for about 10 years. I love the Island and the history. Retired and as soon as my finances are in order I will be back. It is heaven on earth!
I have been traveling to the Caribbean for about 50 years now. Visited many, many places and have lived on my boat for the past dozen years and of all the islands in all the years, St. John is far and away my favorite. A mooring in Maho Bay, a cold beer at the Quit Mon, Lauren singing at Concordia, the St. Patrick’s day parade and so much more. It is my home and I am blessed.
I think Buddy has the right idea!!!