
Our Webcam is Back Up & Running!

news of st john tours webcam

Hello everyone and happy Labor Day! We’re back!

I just wanted to quickly let you all know that our webcam is back up and running. So if you’re bored today or just need a little St. John in your life, please check it out at www.newsofstjohn.com/webcam

Our view overlooks the Westin and Great Cruz Bay. So for all of you Westin lovers out there, you can actually see the rebuilding process in real time. And for those of you looking for a great sunset, keep an eye on our webcam between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. and you will see some great sky color shows. The sun is slowly shifting to the left of our view, so soon you may even catch the green flash in the next few months!

We initially launched our webcam last night, but then it went down due to some internet issues. Those seem to be fixed, so we are good to go!

Want to see all of webcams? Check them out at www.newsofstjohn.com/2018webcams

Have a great holiday everyone! Be safe and have fun!

2 thoughts on “Our Webcam is Back Up & Running!”

  1. Jenn and all at Love City,
    Especially great timing to have the webcam up and running as you (we)
    approach the Irma & Maria anniversaries. Love & Thank Yous!!!
    To Kenny Chesney and so many others for saying “we can when they
    say we can’t” … Bravo/Brava!! LOVE Kenny’s “Songs for the Saints”
    album .. yet another gift from our talented and special St. John ‘saint’.
    Until our March visit our mainland thoughts are with you all …….

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