
An Update from the Animal Care Center. Please Read.

ryan moore

For those of you who love the animals of St. John, you will want to read this post. It’s an update from Ryan Moore, the manager of the Animal Care Center. It brought me to tears. The work he has done to keep our animals safe is extraordinary. Ryan is a treasure, and I am happy to call him a friend. Here is what he wrote late Monday on the Animal Care Center’s Facebook page:

All right folks to say that the last 4 weeks has been easy is an understatement. We have finally reached our end goal for the moment. More of the IFAW team landed today on STT and we meet them off of the 6pm ferry where over 100 crates were off loaded (along with food) so that we can transport our dogs and cats stateside tomorrow!! First thank you to my wonderful staff who helped until the end, a few new ones who jumped in, and too some long time staff who had to evacuate and helped until their boats left. Asya, Val, Kelly, Elise, Serena, Emily (both) Maddie, Crystal, and Tessa. You are very dear to my heart and your passion and dedication goes beyond words. You are truly wonderful human beings. You kept me focused and i will never forgot this. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who showed up everyday to help where ever was needed. Robin and Diana seeing you every day just to see what was needed, i cant thank you enough.

Canines Cats and Critters (our vet) my love for your staff whom i consider close friends means more to me than you know. You have always been there for the ACC and the last 4 weeks your help with all the animals in need goes beyond anything i could have imagined. YOU ARE ALL TRUE HEROES!!! You housed the overflow which the shelter could not manage, you did everything you possibly could to treat the sick and injured, oh and filling out like 100’s of health certs for our trip tomorrow and for the public is amazing. You deserve all the credit in the world, and sometime off now too. Laura, Maria, Jess, Kade, Kelly, Heidi and all your staff, thank you thank thank you.

A huge debt to the IFAW team that has been in contact with us since post Irma just seeing you show up a few days ago ( 2nd time again thanks Hurricane Maria) was a joy. Your help getting supplies and transport for our the animals off STJ that had no where to go is the biggest relief. Tomorrow morning at 5am we will start loading the dogs and cats into the travel crates and then will make our way to STT airport with a police escort. We will be flying close to 100 animals to New Hampshire on a cargo flight where most of the dogs will be going to Last Hope K9 is Massachusetts and the cats too the MSPCA (Massachusetts) We are also transporting some dogs and cats that belong to owners who were stranded stateside when the storms hit and could not make it back to get them. Thank you to all these organizations involved. Thank you Amanda from IFAW who first contacted me after Irma i will never forget the first phone call!

Too the STJ community the ones who stayed, evacuated or were stateside when the storms hit your love of this island keeps us going, and your support for the shelter keeps us strong. We have a long way to go but the ACC is still here and we will do our best to keep helping they animals they best we can. Thank you for all the words of encouragement when i ran into people on the streets, at the store, or even at the shelter, it meant the world. This community is strong and the island will recover and we will do our very best to help.

Myself, the ACC staff an the crew at Canines Cats and Critters have worked long days and had so many up and downs in the last 4 weeks and we want to thank all of you. Communications with our supporters has been hard but we will fill everyone in as the next few days unfold as to where we are going next, and what we will need. There is really to many people to thank and we are tired and just knowing the animals that we worked so hard to help and care for finally get a fresh start is what its all about. I miss my wife and two young sons and i can not wait to hold them its been almost a month since i have seen them. Stay strong STJ and we will keep you posted!


Much love – Ryan (ACC Manager)

sorry for any typos been a very very long day ๐Ÿ™‚ on top of all this we rescued 11 dogs from one home today and 5 new born pups with the help of the wonderful IFAW team and our now being cared for by CCC for the moment.

Ryan has worked for years to help the animals on St. John. In fact, three years ago today, he helped me adopt my beloved Charlie. But just because the animals are being evacuated tomorrow, does not mean Ryan’s work is done. There will be more to do, and the Animal Care Center will need our love and support. So if you are able to donate, please do. You can donate atย www.stjohnanimalcarecenter.com/donate

9 thoughts on “An Update from the Animal Care Center. Please Read.”

  1. Appreciation and gratitude for all you have done for the animals of St. John, Ryan Moore. Get some sleep if you can! Nancy from Delaware.

  2. I downloaded an app called Walk for a Dog that a friend told me about. When you go out for your daily walk…it doesn’t have to be far, you can record your walk and specify an organization that you want to benefit. You don’t have to own a dog, I don’t! They give you a dog to walk in honor of. Mine is Cassie! I chose St John Animal Care Center for my organization. I truly hope it makes a difference!!!

  3. Bravo Ryan and all!!!!
    We have donated to St. John ACC and also donated to Best Friends Animal Society (Sanctuary is in Kanab, UT) who send teams to areas
    impacted by disasters. Together we can save them all.
    Thank you, thank you!!!

  4. We have tried and tried to be in touch. I know the communication has been on and off and in and out. We simply want to know if the ACC ST JOHN will remain an active shelter on St John and what the needs are to restore it it. Our financial assistance is dependant on this information, but we have so far been unable to find the answers. This is not something that we feel comfortable doing online. So if, anyone knows the answers. please provide us as much info as you have. Thank you

    • YES…most definitely, the Animal Care Center of St. John is currently in full operation and will continue to do so in the future. A dozen or so cats and dogs are in the shelter at this time, and there are staff members to attend to their care. The building has been battered, but is dry and safe. Thanks to the MANY caring donations, we now have food, water and kitty litter for the time being. We continue to need the financial support of those who understand our plight; mainly because we are in no position to hold two of our important fundraisers. In October we have annually held the “No Fleas Please” flea market sale…we have instead donated those clothes and household items to FEMA and the community. Our Winter Gala scheduled for January 2018 will not be held as well. We are still finding lost and abandoned animals that need medical attention and shelter. Our fabulous cat feeding station volunteers are still going through the debris to feed the island’s free roaming cat population. The shelter is providing them with food for these stations. So, dear animal-loving folks, I send you an astounding YES!, the ACC is alive, well, and determined to devote our love and attention to the furry orphans on St. John. Gratefully, Lucy Banks, President ACC Board of Directors

  5. Thank you Jenn for the information…..The news networks could learn from your persistance and caring attitude!…I have a lady friend on island hiring locals and trying her best to get national attention and help to her beloved St John…she has…or HAD a property there but it took a huge hit from Irma…..No cargo shipments from ANY airline or Fed Ex etc…not sure why as airport is open…but total embargo as of this morning still! PLEASE know prayes and our AMAZEMENT at what miracles you are all making happen down there..Hang in there! ST JOHN STRONG!

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